Nevermind, I am sure times will change again soon but I have so many posts floating around in my head - a belated write up from our holiday, something about jobs and looking for those elusive part-time jobs, and sharing some pretty things with you.
And on that note I thought I would share with you some of the bargains I picked up at Sunday's car boot sale. At 6pm on Saturday night I decided that I wanted to stand and sell at a car boot sale the next morning. Umm, me and my great ideas. There I was in the loft in the dark, rummaging through boxes to find potential car boot items. As always there was a wealth of stuff. Books, DVDs, unwanted presents, you know the kind of thing. Mr B loaded the car for me and the next morning I was up at 5.30am to get on my merry way.
Perhaps unsurprisingly it was dark when I set off, so with headlights on and a flask of tea I drove down the deserted lanes to the car boot field. All set up by 6.30am and having managed to avoid all the early morning peering into your car boot types I stood and enjoyed the sunrise. I found it all actually, quite relaxing!
The hardest bit was not being able to go round all the tables at that precious grab a bargain stage of the day because I was stuck on mine. The time however flew by and it wasn't long before it was 10.30am and my Mum and Dad appeared, followed shortly by Mr B and E to give me a break.
Finally, I could make my escape. And boy was it worth it. Here is my haul...

Some lovely Hornsea Tapestry storage jars for 50p each. I've wanted some new tea and coffee canisters for ages and haven't been able to find the right ones, and couldn't justify the cost of these Orla Kiely ones, well not for three anyway!
Now unfortunately I can't take credit for this one as it was Mr B spotted it but we picked up this print for £2 and it looks perfect in our lounge, currently on top of the fireplace in a shiny new frame. We think it is from the 1950's and was certainly in its original battered frame and seems to be number 14 of 450 made. The deer are from a car boot earlier in the year which I got for £1 for the two.
This one was also for Mr B, the cocktail shaker not the Roberts radio. Again I think it is 1950's and is pressed glass but looks a treat on Mr B's alcohol shelf. I'm pretty sure it will be for display purposes only but being as it was thrown in with the storage jars you can't complain!
Finally, we couldn't forget E. We got all these clothes for a £1 for when he's a bit older. Some great cords, dungarees, jumper and cool check shirt.
So not bad for a mornings work, I took just over £100 on our stall, it cost £10 to stand and hire a table and we spent about £5. But most importantly I had a great time and have loved having some cash in my pocket that 'I' have earnt.
Now I just need to work out how to break the news to Mr B that I am thinking about going again this week!