Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

5 Jul 2011

[ . . 30 before 30 . . ] 7. Go on a date with Mr B

This one off my 30 before 30 list actually makes me laugh now I read it back.

Like many of them I added it because it is something that we never used to do enough of. But now, we have the perfect excuse. The loving and doting grandparents can't wait to baby sit for little E so, well, we have to keep them happy now don't we ;)

Probably the most memorable real date of recent times was on my due date when we went out for dinner to take my mind off things and if you are a regular reader you will know it did the trick as little E arrived the morning after. Since then we have been out for dinner quite a few times which we used to love to do in the 'old days' and then most recently the pièce de résistance has been to go to a gig.

This really takes me back to the old days. When Mr B and I first met he was in a band. In fact that was his golden chat up line. Needless to say we used to go to gigs quite often - Mr B's and others. We have been very fortunate to get some great tickets and see some now quite large bands in small dingey places.

Ones I can remember off the top of my head are Scissor Scissors, Ed Harcourt, Death Cab for Cutie, Flaming Lips, The Magic Numbers, Iron & Wine, Cake, Grandaddy, Kings of Convenience, Supergrass, M Ward, and Midlake. No doubt I have forgotten some classics which Mr B will tease me about.

But, most recently we drove 40 miles to see Fleet Foxes and The Bees who were supporting. We have seen The Bees a lot of times and they are one of my favourites, what I call happy music which is always good. They weren't really up to their usual standard but they were only the support so I will let them off. It was the first time we had seen Fleet Foxes and they didn't disappoint. Having had their albums on constant repeat in the car since E was born I even knew all the songs.

We had such a great time but did struggle to talk about things other than baby E but I guess that is inevitable these days.

We do now need to plan our next date though, we don't actually have one lined up. Hmmm..? Do any of you have regular 'date nights'? What are your favourites? Cinema, meal..?

24 Feb 2011

Music to give birth to...

I have been wanting to put together a playlist for the hospital for some time ready for Baby B's arrival into the world and inspired by a post over at Mumra's blog I thought I would share some of my choices with you.

As I am sure is a similar story for many people I am hoping for as natural a birth as possible. I am not however hung up on this and will do whatever it takes to make sure baby and I are as safe as possible. Part of this for me is positive thinking and feeling relaxed and comfortable. Music for me has that great power of being able to transport you to somewhere else. The associations we have with certain songs can be very strong. So this, along with some of my hypnobirthing mp3s from Tums2Mums should be the perfect mix.

The first for me has to be Air, and I could have picked nearly any song from the Moon Safari album. It is always the first album I go to when I want to switch off and drift away. I have chosen New Star in the Sky mainly for the name!

From a similar era for me is Kings of Convenience's, Quiet Is the New Loud. This takes me straight back to when I first met Mr B and has lots of happy memories.

Another from a similar genre is Royksopp and the album Melody AM.

To change the tone a little bit and add some guitar next I have picked Never Say Anything from The Belles. Mr B was in a band when I first met him back in 2002 and our lives revolved quite substantially around going to gigs and him playing gigs. He therefore always had a new favourite band and at one time this was them. He played at the same gigs with them a few times and we still listen at home.

I have realised how old all these songs are so to bring it a little bit more up to date is Midlake. We went to see them in November and at that stage Baby B wasn't wriggling too much and the music (and probably the bass) woke little one up and he/she went crazy! We have since listened to their albums in the car a lot and Baby B seems to approve.

I hope you liked the peek into my music taste - heavily influenced by Mr B. Which no doubt Baby B's will be too.

Why not go over to Mumra's blog now following the link below to see more great playlists...

Mumra Playlist
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