Showing posts with label make. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make. Show all posts

3 Dec 2011

And it's December!

Where are the days going?!

I can happily say a lot of my time is now being spent on {Mason & Co} with business going well. I am loving uncovering the treasures, researching them online and then sharing them. Oh, and selling them is not bad either.

I have also set up another new project (this is the project lab after all!) but have decided to keep that on the back burner until the new year. It is safe to say there is a lot going on.

Little E is now not so little and is crawling well and attempting to stand up. He was nine months yesterday and I can't believe how grown up he seems already. He is always happy and smiling and I am so proud of him everyday.

Enough of the soppy Mum stuff, I have spent the last hour browsing Etsy for felt Christmas decorations. I am starting to think a crawling nine month old, a real Christmas tree and glass decorations might not be the best idea. I hope you like my felt-tastic selections for Christmas 2011.

I hope to see you, at some point, before January!

Christmas decorations f...

Retro Felt Christmas Or...

3 Pink and Grey Ornamen...

Reindeer Head Ornament ...

Mittens Ornament - Vint...

Set of 5 Felt Christmas...

Red Heart Eco Felt Chri...

Vintage style Christmas...

Enchanted forest -Whims...

Felt Christmas decorati...

Holiday Heart decoratio...

Christmas Decorations 5...

28 Feb 2011

[ . . Wonderful Week . . ] Just have a go

Pincushion by blondesbackyard available from Etsy

Let's get it out of the way straight away shall we - still no baby! I am going to pretend that I am absolutely fine about this. Obviously we would rather baby be here but alas, no, he/she has other ideas.

So in a mission to take my mind of this fact - and thinking that if I started something, baby might want to disrupt my plans - I got my sewing machine out. Encouraged by the nursery inspiration from a couple of weeks back I wanted to make some things for the baby's nursery.

My mum and dad bought me my new sewing machine for my birthday back in July last year but embarrassingly I hadn't used it until this week. This is through a mixture of my birthday being a strange time when we weren't really sure if Baby B was going to stick around - I was only a few weeks pregnant and had already had quite a few issues. The other reason being that the house has been a tip for most of the time since due to constant decorating so getting the sewing machine out seemed a bit too much like a treat.

Another reason, is that I tend to have these fads about things and then go off them. "If only I had a new sewing machine I'm sure I would do loads of sewing" - that kind of thing! And the final reason that I am going to own up to is that I was a little scared of it! My mum is a brilliant seamstress and always has been so I feel there is a lot to live up to. Not that anyone is testing me you understand, this is just the pressure I seem to like to put on myself for no apparent reason. I have been aware of this for sometime which is why it made it on to my 30 before 30 list at number 22.

I shouldn't have worried, it was quite successful. I even managed some stitches! A lot easier to use than I expected and I seemed to have remembered everything I knew from the last few times I had used a sewing machine - probably about 5 years ago.

I have finished one item, a laundry bag for the nursery. I thought this was a good one to start with, lots of straight lines and seams! It looks good and I keep going to have a look at it hanging on the back of the door to remind myself I can sew. Next on the list is an organiser to hang on the cot (inspired by this one) and some soft activity cubes (inspired by these). Finally I want to make some bunting but with baby's name on. Needless to say this one will have to wait. Baby can you hear me?

So, this week was wonderful because I actually decided to just get on with something to distract me from wishing each day away.

18 Jan 2011

Making things

I love making things but very rarely give myself time to do it.

Lately, when trying to find presents for friends I have been disappointed with the options. I usually end up walking out of shops thinking 'I could make that'. The reason I haven't made presents in the past is because I am worried about the recipient not liking them. So as part of my 30 before 30 list I have vowed to be more confident (No. 27) and this extends to this scenario.

My friend often wears beaded necklaces so I got out my pliers and beads and got set to work. Below you can see the work in progress and the finished necklace. I did try to get a photo of the complete necklace but they looked a bit rubbish so you have an 'abstract' one.

Work in progress    Finished necklace 

It's her birthday this weekend so I will have to report if she likes it. Arghh, fingers crossed!

21 Jan 2010

Crochet... one of the crafts I have always fancied but never tried.

I think I have been scared off as I am not really a natural with the wool - one of my many secrets is that I never have mastered knitting!

Well, after browsing Folksy I have found something that might just tempt me to try.

This gorgeous tea cosy by Andrea Lesley is the perfect balance of twee, quirky and retro. I especially love the colour combination - it would certainly look pretty good in my kitchen.

Actually I might not learn and just treat myself instead - it's a bargain at £17.

Perfect for some nice tea and cake.


7 Jan 2010

So what is this all about?

I have been wanting to (and have tried a few times) to have a blog to share my thoughts - although be it mainly with myself. However, I have never quite found the time to keep it up or have anything interesting enough to say. So, 2010 (start of a new decade and getting scarily close to my 30's) I have decided this is the year - and if it isn't then at least I have tried.

I want to create a place for me and some time for me to look at and be inspired by the things I enjoy.

I was heavily into the UK craft 'scene' back in 2005/06 and joined Sally/Scally B now of Northampton Fish Market fame to run Craftermath.

To be honest I couldn't remember when it was then and had to check by looking back at the old forum - I was gone for a while reading the old posts. Sally had been inspired by the US scene and mainly Craftster (which I used to frequent daily) to set up a UK version. At the time there was nothing out there for UK crafters that didn't do the 1990's style craft fair stuff. It's a strange thought now when looking around the internet - things change a lot in 5 years - Facebook, Twitter, social networking - and a wealth of UK craft.

So, I guess we never really took Craftermath and the opportunity to be at the forefront of the UK craft scene to its potential and that is sad to be honest.

Anyway, rather than dwell on it all there is time to do something about it.

I am going to use this site to post/share/remember not only craft and handmade items but anything that inspires me. Since my 'craft days' a lot has happened, I own a house (well about 10% of a house!), am a wife and have widened my creative interests to include photography, design and writing so there is likely to be a mixture.

That is probably more than enough rambling for one night then and the bets can start now as to how long I can keep this one going... Feb, July, next week..? We'll see.

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