Showing posts with label illustration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illustration. Show all posts

2 Jan 2013

Bring it on!

Happy New Year one and all. As always with a new year, new resolutions and new promises to myself. I guess the coming weeks will tell. But as a summary, 2013, bring it on!

8 Dec 2010

[ . . Wonderful Wednesday . . ]
winter wonderland

Following on from last week's posts I have been a busy bee.

I've had a good week enjoying seeing friends, getting some jobs at home out of the way and actually doing some paid work. All in all a good week! To be honest I am not sure where I used to find the time to go to work nine-to-five, five days a week?

In Leicestershire, we seem to have missed the worst of the snow and ice but I have felt very fortunate not to be having to travel very far in the freakish weather. I drove 30 miles to Nottinghamshire yesterday and it was like driving through a winter wonderland. It looked like a film crew had been in front of me painstakingly painting every tree and bush with white crystal powder.

So, the week ahead seems to be as full as the last with some more work, a visit to the midwife, possibly ikea, and to try and find the time to explore pinterest and finish my Christmas shopping. The former of the two, you will see I have yet to do!

Take care in this weather!

Very quick illustration by me!
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