Well, it's been a good few weeks since I posted a Wonderful Week as I have been busy living life and somehow not finding the time to blog. I am hoping this changes as when I do actually make the time I really enjoy it and am very proud of it.
I guess I am always a bit nervous about posting as I want everything to perfect. When will I learn that nothing is perfect? Maybe if I was a bit more confident I wouldn't worry so much. There are so many wonderful blogs out there and I would love to be one of them but that will never happen if I don't just get on with it. I can't keep waiting for the perfect post subject to pop up in my mind. Some posts will be great, others not so but I need to keep it up.
When I was mooching around on the Internet the other day I stumbled upon a post that I had somehow missed at the time on the lovely Little Red Buttons blog by Abby. It really rang true, entitled '
Combating blog envy' and has played on my mind ever since. It refers to another post,
'Just say NO to blog envy' on a blog that I have never come across before about that sinking feeling you get after visiting amazing blogs about seemingly amazing lives. Luckily it gives a number of tips of how to be true to yourself and your blog and ignore the stats. Tips such as 'be original', 'respect the originality of others', 'blog blindly', 'be kind' and remember that blogging isn't everything. This is all very easy to say, and read but a bit harder for me to put in to practice.
I think I need to decide what type of blogger I am. I started this blog before little E was even a sparkle in my eye. Does this not make me a mummy blogger. Do I even want to be a mummy blogger? At the end of the day I would like people to read my blog, I would like for it to be enjoyed. I would like to be able to review some lovely products and services that I think others may be interested in. I don't want to review everything and anything, only those things of relevance to my life. I don't want it to be a blog full of reviews or a blog full of memes. But what do I want?
I do still feel true to my original strapline
'a place for me time, inspiration and aspiration' so I think this is what I need to focus on. Mum or not.
Maybe listening to those at
CyberMummy will help me decide who I am in this blogging world.
How did you decide what type of blogger you are? Have you changed over time? Are you happy with your blog? Do you have any tips? I would love to know your blogging journeys x