
CyberMummy meet & greet

Now I am officially a Mum I thought I would finally add myself to Carly at Mummys Shoes meet and greet ahead of CyberMummy in June.

I decided to buy a ticket back in February after umming and arrring for ages. I was undecided due to the cost and having a new baby who would be a maximum of 4 months old. Some lovely folk on Twitter helped convince me I should. So come June the 25th I will be heading down to London town to meet you all.

1In preparation and to give you a bit of heads up, this is me...

Name: Lucy

Twitter ID: @_lab_

Height: 5ft 6" (I think!)
Hair: Brown - in a short bob type thing!
Eyes: Blue

Likes: Sunshine, design, happiness, Internet, creativity, photography, holidays, new clothes, Thai food, eating out, my iPhone

Dislikes: Inconsiderate people, rain

If you are going to Cybermummy please say hi in the comments. Getting a little bit nervous that I won't know anyone!
Right I really should buy my train tickets now then :)


  1. Thanks for joining in the Meet & Greet! And great to 'meet' you. Look forward to seeing you there. Carly x

  2. Hi Lucy! I'll be sure to say hi :)


  3. Hello! I will be there. I will be easy to spot, I will have an eight week old baby in a bright orange pushchair with me! If I don't spot you first promise you will come and say hi.


Please leave a comment, they make me smile and make my day x