
[ . . Wonderful Week . . ] I'm back!

Well you will have noticed that my Wonderful Week posts have been a little thin on the ground in recent weeks. Well four weeks to be exact. You will also no doubt have realised why this is. The arrival of Baby B who is now known as E. :)


E arrived on the 2nd March, only one day after my due date after all (full birth story to appear soon). Since then our world has been turned upside down. To the parents out there this won't be surprising, to those who are not parents you may be thinking 'oh that's what they all say' (like I did!). But it really is true, not just a cliche.

I can not believe that four weeks has passed since E was born, the time just disappears. What with feeding every 2/3 hours, changing nappies, sleeping and anything else we can squeeze in like the excitement of tidying the kitchen etc, there really is NO time. I was expecting to feel tired but the surprise for me is the relentlessness of the baby cycle - change, feed, wind, sleep...repeat.

This hit me hard at first. I soon lost all feeling of who 'I' was. There have been many conversations of where has Lucy gone. I felt as though I had no identity other than that of 'feeding/milk machine' and even that wasn't easy. So the reason this last week has been wonderful, is that I finally feel like I am on my way back. I have decided not to run away and join the circus, or to sell E on eBay. Well not this week anyway.

I am taking one day at a time, enjoying my new family and not pressurising myself to be the perfect mum. After all, does that really exist anyway?!

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