
The Gallery: Togetherness - in the sunshine

So for this week's gallery the prompt was 'togetherness' inspired by Valentine's Day.

Mr B and I have never really 'done' Valentine's Day, except for maybe our first Valentine's Day which was only a few weeks after we had met. Mr was still in 'impressing' mode and had booked a table at a local restaurant but when we arrived the restaurant had no record of it. I remember it clearly now, even though it was 9 years ago, his face dropped and he looked so worried. Anyway, it was all sorted and we had a lovely night.

Since then we always celebrated our anniversary in January which seemed too close to do Valentine's Day as well. Then this year, with all the baby craziness we both forgot our January anniversary so have decided to stick to OUR special day. Our wedding anniversary in June.

So for me togetherness is about our wedding but I couldn't choose a wedding photo as I hadn't taken the photo so teamed with going through some old memory cards I discovered photos from our honeymoon. We went to Singapore, Bali and Hong Kong and the two I have selected are from our relaxing time in Bali. I was going to choose just one but I thought they made a good pair.

So there we have it although we had been together for 6 years before our wedding, it really did formalise everything for me - true togetherness.

However, as the next few weeks progress and with the arrival of little Baby B I am sure I will have a new definition of togetherness.

Why not take a look at all the other entries for this week's gallery here.


  1. I love the first shot, a great interpretation of the theme, and just gorgeous! x

  2. How is it possible for feet to look happy - but they do!
    Following you now x
    QWERTY Mum

  3. Beautiful! Such perfect images of togetherness. And that sounds like a heavenly honeymoon. Best of luck for the arrival of your little one - am now a follower by the way :)

  4. Loving these photos! The first one is a very nice take on the subject.

  5. Great photos and perfect for the theme :) x

  6. Great pics! Am so desperate to go to Bali - even more so now I've seen these. Looks lovely x

  7. Fabulous! ;) I love the two images...showing exactly the same thing...


  8. Ooh look...Happy feet! Brilliant photos...

  9. You're right; no matter how long you've been together, getting married DOES change things. I love that first shot!

  10. Thanks everyone :) Glad you like. They were (and still are) very happy feet :) I would definitely recommend Bali it was very peaceful and has a great relaxed pace of life!

  11. yes they are perfect photos (despite my foot phobia!) wishes for your waiting game...I think a pregnant bump is the closest togetherness I ever ever got. Just wonderful x


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