
The Gallery: The body part I am going to miss

I have only recently discovered The Gallery after seeing it crop up on a few blogs. Set up by Tara Cain at Sticky Fingers it is a virtual art gallery of photographs which opens its doors every week for everyone and anyone to join in.

The first topic of the New Year is Body Parts and seemed perfect as my first entry. I already had an idea of what I wanted to capture. Being 33 weeks pregnant the one body part I am particularly aware of is my bump! I am already worried about how much I am going to miss it when it's gone but hey I'll have a little baby to distract me.

So, below is a picture of bump and a very wonky baby that loves to wiggle around when I lie on my back.

Baby wiggles, body pops and tickles me. I love him/her so much already.

Body parts, originally uploaded by theprojectlab.


  1. What a perfect post to start The Gallery with! Your bump is gorgeous.

    It was very strange for me, the minute my son was put in my arms my 'bump' went back to just being my tummy. I never missed it, in fact I couldn't remember ever having it . . . was very surreal!

    Enjoy your last few weeks of bumpitude!

    Oh, and thanks for stopping by on my side ;-)

  2. Lovely bump! I miss mine & still get bump envy when I see pregnant women & C is 18 months now!

    Of course, the thing that replaces the bump is much better :-)

  3. What a great debut, a great picture & story to go with it! Reminds me of when I first felt our babies kicking in my wife's belly - a wonderful momnet that I'll never forget :)


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