There was a time (probably about five years ago) when I would do this quite a lot but I weaned myself off it as time was just disappearing into the internet vortex! But one evening, that can't harm anyone surely..?
These days I tend to be directed to websites through Twitter and this was no exception. I had read that the latest issue of UK Handmade had been released. I have never really looked at a copy, as I am usually browsing the internet on my iphone but I was pleasantly surprised.
It is full of interviews, reviews and tutorials and has introduced me to some new names.
The first thing to grab my attention was the Scandinavian Cosmetics Pouch on page 14 which on first glance looks like a great tutorial and perfect timing for last minute Christmas gifts. Also, unlike many tutorials you see it would be easily adapted to make a pencil case or larger bag.
The next thing to catch my eye was the illustrated interview with artist Bryn Hughes on page 42. I have wanted to have the confidence to sketch for a long time (even enrolling on a water colour class earlier this year) but, as is typical with me, one thing led to another and I never kept it up. Anyway, Bryn's sketches are completely my style and are what I would aspire too. The speed that seems to be captured in them, their immediacy and the colours are all perfect.
And, as an evening session on the internet dictates, visiting Bryn's blog led me to discover yet another one - Urban Sketchers. Described as a "nonprofit organization dedicated to raising the artistic, storytelling and educational value of location drawing, promoting its practice and connecting people around the world who draw on location where they live and travel. We aim to show the world, one drawing at a time." Gorgeous!
A quick scroll here, click there, and I was led to their Flickr Group and the piece below stuck out for me. It is by user 'Charkie_44' who I think in real life is Jack Noel?? You can see the full version here.

I think all this looking at sketches has encouraged me to get my Creative License book by Danny Gregory out again.
We'll see...
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