
We have colour!

Well at least more than we had!

It has only taken me all night to design a banner for the top of my blog but I am quite happy with it - well it is better than nothing and quite neutral.

For colour inspiration I used Adobe's Kuler. If you have never come across it before it's a great website that includes lots of beautiful colour palettes (well they call them 'themes') that have been donated by the Kuler community. You can tweak them using the lovely interface to get something perfect for your needs.

I was tempted by themes called 'Procrastination' (very fitting for me!), 'Tibetan Love Song', 'Ice Cream Colours' and 'Highway nostalgic' but finally went for 'Nicoletta revival'.

Well it's getting late and I have another busy 9-5 week ahead of me so best be off.


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