
So what is this all about?

I have been wanting to (and have tried a few times) to have a blog to share my thoughts - although be it mainly with myself. However, I have never quite found the time to keep it up or have anything interesting enough to say. So, 2010 (start of a new decade and getting scarily close to my 30's) I have decided this is the year - and if it isn't then at least I have tried.

I want to create a place for me and some time for me to look at and be inspired by the things I enjoy.

I was heavily into the UK craft 'scene' back in 2005/06 and joined Sally/Scally B now of Northampton Fish Market fame to run Craftermath.

To be honest I couldn't remember when it was then and had to check by looking back at the old forum - I was gone for a while reading the old posts. Sally had been inspired by the US scene and mainly Craftster (which I used to frequent daily) to set up a UK version. At the time there was nothing out there for UK crafters that didn't do the 1990's style craft fair stuff. It's a strange thought now when looking around the internet - things change a lot in 5 years - Facebook, Twitter, social networking - and a wealth of UK craft.

So, I guess we never really took Craftermath and the opportunity to be at the forefront of the UK craft scene to its potential and that is sad to be honest.

Anyway, rather than dwell on it all there is time to do something about it.

I am going to use this site to post/share/remember not only craft and handmade items but anything that inspires me. Since my 'craft days' a lot has happened, I own a house (well about 10% of a house!), am a wife and have widened my creative interests to include photography, design and writing so there is likely to be a mixture.

That is probably more than enough rambling for one night then and the bets can start now as to how long I can keep this one going... Feb, July, next week..? We'll see.


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